February 13, 2011

I'll tell you a secret.

Since no one could figure out who this guy is... I'll tell you a secret. He's Frank Warren - the guy behind Post Secret. Have you heard of Post Secret?

Frank started this "art project" by asking random strangers to send anonymous postcards containing their secrets to his house in Maryland. Fast forward a few years and now he has received millions and millions of secrets. They range from sad to funny and everywhere in between. Every Sunday Frank uploads a selection of new secrets to his blog but, if you really want to see a bulk of the secrets, check out the books. He has compiled five (I think) books with some of the most intriguing ones.

Now, Frank travels around the world with "Post Secret Live" sharing the story behind the project and his reflections on the cathartic action of sending in secrets.
Eric and I have a ritual of checking the blog every Sunday morning together. We've been doing it for years, even over the phone when we were dating long distance. We even have a couple of the books.
and Frank (we're on a first name basis now) signed them for us.
PS - even shared which secret in the book was his. It's this one:

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